Miller, Dawson, Sigal, & Ward Injury Attorneys (MDSW) takes great pride every year in celebrating the achievements of college-age students around the country. This year, the team recognizes Mackenzie Puckett of the University of Denver Sturm College of Law for her compassionate dedication to her community.
In winning MDSW’s Thumbs Up Guys Scholarships 2023, Puckett sets herself up to receive $2,500 to dedicate to her law school tuition or other educational expenses.
Compassion in Action
MDSW wants to lift up members of its community that do everything in their power to serve as forces of good. Mackenzie Puckett is one such force. Her story is inherently tied to that of her friend Heather.
In late 2022, Puckett’s friend Heather fainted on a hike. What followed that incident included several weeks of working with medical professionals to try and understand the cause behind Heather’s elevated heart rate and difficulty returning to her normal life.
Throughout this process, Puckett stayed by Heather’s side. She encouraged Heather to continue seeking out expert opinions, particularly when medical professionals dismissed Heather’s fainting attack as a one-off incident. She also helped distract Heather from the terrifying reality of an unsure medical diagnosis.
When Heather was finally diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis, or mono, Puckett stayed by her friend’s side. Today, both young women are living their lives to the fullest thanks to the power of their relationship.
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Embodying MDSW’s Community Dedication
Puckett’s dedication to her friend and willingness to be flexible in the face of frightening circumstances embodies the traits MDSW wants to see in the next generation. The team knows that one day, Puckett will likely channel the empathy, compassion, and determination she showed in the face of adversity to a successful career in court.
Moreover, MDSW wants to celebrate the journey that both Puckett and Heather went on, not to mention the peace both young women found. It’s in light of that desire that MDSW awards Puckett $2,500 in financial support.
Puckett’s Sources of Inspiration
When asked about the forces that inspired her generosity of spirit, Puckett looks to her parents:
“Both of my parents have inspired me throughout the course of my life,” she says. “My dad was in the United States Navy for 25 years. He served courageously and taught me how to work hard and lead others.”
“My mom is compassionate and showed me that kindness can go a long way,” she continues. “[Both of my parents] have both supported me throughout my entire life, encouraging me to dream big, and they have done all they can to help me reach those dreams.”
Puckett’s Goals for the Future
Puckett is set to graduate from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law in May 2026. She previously earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at Seton Hall University, majoring in economics with a minor in social work.
When she’s not in class, she intends to pursue the opportunities available to a law student with her drive, filling internship positions with law firms that specialize in her areas of interest. Puckett expresses a deep interest in public interest law and constitutional rights, as well as a passion for adoption law.
MDSW looks forward to watching Puckett’s legal career take off in the near future.
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About MDSW’s Thumbs Up Guys Scholarship
MDSW takes great pride in its loyalty to its South Carolina community. To this day, the team strives to give back to its clients and neighbors. Our scholarship program is only one of the many means we use to do so.
The Thumbs Up Guys Scholarship specifically strives to reward ambitious and compassionate students who want to pursue their higher education. Students who meet the scholarship’s criteria have the opportunity to win $2,500 in financial support for South Carolina’s Thumbs Up Guys.
In turn, our team gets to learn more about the next generation’s goals. We take great pride in helping in-need students chase dreams that might otherwise be unattainable. Students who want to apply for the 2024 Thumbs Up Guys Scholarship can specifically look to Mackenzie Puckett’s example to learn more about the kind of student our team loves to celebrate.
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MDSW Celebrates Mackenzie Puckett’s Compassion and Coming Successes
MDSW and its team once again congratulate Mackenzie Puckett on her moving scholarship essay. The team looks forward to hearing more about Puckett’s success as she pursues her law degree.
Students who want to apply for the 2024 Thumbs Up Guys Scholarship can find more information about eligibility and scholarship requirements courtesy of the scholarship’s terms and conditions page. The MDSW team looks forward to reading the next batch of essays in the near future.
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